Our Members
There are 16 Waldorf schools in the country of which five include a high school component. One school provides education for children with special needs.
The schools reflect a wide range of cultural groups. Three of them are situated in the township areas of Johannesburg, Cape Town and Hermanus and one is in a remote rural village in the Northern Province. See our list of member schools.
There are also a number of pre-school educare initiatives which are not Waldorf schools but which actively seek guidance and enrichment from teachers and trainers in the Waldorf movement.
The movement includes a state-accredited teacher-training centre in Cape Town, www.cfce.org.za and informal training initiatives in some of the more established schools.

Members by Province
Cape Town and Western Cape
Waldorf Schools
Constantia Waldorf School (Constantia, Cape Town)
Gaia Waldorf School (Pinelands, Cape Town)
Hermanus Waldorf School (Hermanus, Cape Town)
Imhoff Waldorf School (Kommetjie, Cape Town)
Michael Oak Waldorf School (Kenilworth, Cape Town)
McGregor Waldorf School, McGregor
Stellenbosch Waldorf School (Stellenbosch, Cape Town)
Raphaeli Waldorf School (Plettenberg Bay)
Zenzeleni School for Creative Education (Khayelitsha, Cape Town)
Waldorf Supportive Education Schools
Khanyisa School (Plumstead, Cape Town)
Teacher Training Centres Formal Training
Centre for Creative Education (Plumstead, Cape Town)
Associate Members
Windhoek Waldorf School (Namibia)
Kwa Zulu Natal
Waldorf Schools
Roseway Waldorf School (Durban)
Gauteng and Northern Province
Waldorf Schools
Inkanyezi Waldorf School (Alexandra, Johannesburg)
Lesedi Waldorf Centre (Bakone, Madietane, Northern Province)
The Waldorf School at Rosemary Hill (Pretoria)
Michael Mount Waldorf School (Bryanston, Johannesburg)
Village Waldorf School (Irene)